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Sunday, 27 March 2016

Number of Texans requesting a license to carry a gun more than doubles in three month period.

Courtesy of The Dallas Morning News:  

Requests for licenses to carry guns more than doubled in a recent three-month period, prompting the Texas Department of Public Safety to boost staffing, adjust resources and warn gun owners about how to avoid potential delays. 

The department said Thursday that it had received 136,000 requests for licenses in December, January and February. That’s a nearly 140 percent increase over the 57,000 applications submitted in the same three-month period the year before. 

The spike follows the trend in recent years of more and more Texans acquiring a license to carry a handgun. Ten years ago there were just under 260,000 Texans with such a license; by the end of last month, there were more than 966,000 active gun license holders in the state.

So now there are almost a million Texans walking around with their metal penis extenders on their person?

You know I was never planning to go to Texas in the first place, but now I am not planning to go there even harder.

Oh here let me explain, "harder" is something that those of us who don't require guns to make us feel like men can become at will.


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