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Tuesday, 10 May 2016

North Carolina sues the Federal government for interfering with their fear mongering over transgenders.

Courtesy of CNN: 

North Carolina casts its so-called bathroom bill as a "common sense bodily privacy law." The federal government calls it discrimination, pure and simple. 

The two will face off in federal court in North Carolina after two of the state's top officials Monday sued the U.S. Justice Department, Attorney General Loretta Lynch and one of her assistants. 

The lawsuit calls last week's demand that the state "remedy" its Public Facilities Privacy and Security Act by Monday or risk being in violation of federal law "a baseless and blatant overreach." 

The act bans individuals from using public bathrooms that do not correspond with their biological sex, as dictated by their birth certificates.

"Goddamn it Federal Government we don't care WHAT century it is we want to discriminate against people not like us as is our right according to a very loose translation our Bibles! Stop stopping us!"

You know first they made them let black people use their whites only restrooms and now they want these people to have human rights as well. When oh when will it ever stop?


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