Courtesy of The Big Story:
Nevada's Democratic party on Monday warned the Democratic National Committee that Sen. Bernie Sanders' supporters have a penchant for violence and may seek to disrupt the party's national convention in July, as they did during the Nevada convention Saturday.
The allegation is the latest fallout from a divisive Nevada Democratic convention that had to be shut down because security at the Paris Las Vegas hotel could no longer ensure order on Saturday night. The gathering closed with some Sanders supporters throwing chairs; later, some made death threats against state party chairwoman Roberta Lange.
Lange said she'd been receiving hundreds of profanity-laced calls and texts from inside and outside of the U.S., threatening her life and her family. Lange said the restaurant where she works has received so many calls it had to unplug the phone.
"It is endless, and the longer it goes the worse it gets," Lange said in an interview. "I feel threatened everywhere I go."
Damn the Sanders supporters are starting to sound like Sarah Palin's flying monkeys.
Now I seriously doubt that the majority of Bernie Sanders supporters are violent, but I do think that once their candidate is eliminated that there is a real potential for disruption of the Democratic convention, and of course that just plays right into the hands of the Republicans.
It seems that just about everybody EXCEPT those supporting Sanders recognize that his campaign is essentially over. Including the AP:
With only eight state primaries to go and 1,053 delegates outstanding, Clinton leads Sanders by 767 delegates. For Sanders to overtake her at the Democratic National Convention in July, Sanders would have to win a huge percentage of remaining delegates and convince a huge number of superdelegates to bolt from Clinton.
The Associated Press views that scenario so unlikely that it is no longer covering Sanders on the campaign trail.
Add to that the newly revealed scandal concerning Jane Sanders and her time at Burlington College:
Burlington College, a tiny Vermont liberal arts school once led by Jane Sanders, the wife of presidential candidate Bernie Sanders, said it is shutting down because of financial problems associated with a property acquisition she oversaw.
In a formal statement announcing its closure, the school cited the “crushing weight” of debt it took on in a 2010 purchase of more than 30 acres from the local Catholic archdiocese. Mrs. Sanders was the college’s president at the time of the $10 million deal.
Well I guess that helps to explain why it has taken Jane Sanders so long to get their taxes in order and why the Sanders' campaign has received all of those letters from the FEC.
So yeah the whole Sanders' campaign is devolving into a giant clusterfuck.
And one that damages not just the Bernie Sanders campaign, but also the DNC, and of course the future of America.
Nevada's Democratic party on Monday warned the Democratic National Committee that Sen. Bernie Sanders' supporters have a penchant for violence and may seek to disrupt the party's national convention in July, as they did during the Nevada convention Saturday.
The allegation is the latest fallout from a divisive Nevada Democratic convention that had to be shut down because security at the Paris Las Vegas hotel could no longer ensure order on Saturday night. The gathering closed with some Sanders supporters throwing chairs; later, some made death threats against state party chairwoman Roberta Lange.
Lange said she'd been receiving hundreds of profanity-laced calls and texts from inside and outside of the U.S., threatening her life and her family. Lange said the restaurant where she works has received so many calls it had to unplug the phone.
"It is endless, and the longer it goes the worse it gets," Lange said in an interview. "I feel threatened everywhere I go."
Damn the Sanders supporters are starting to sound like Sarah Palin's flying monkeys.
Now I seriously doubt that the majority of Bernie Sanders supporters are violent, but I do think that once their candidate is eliminated that there is a real potential for disruption of the Democratic convention, and of course that just plays right into the hands of the Republicans.
It seems that just about everybody EXCEPT those supporting Sanders recognize that his campaign is essentially over. Including the AP:
With only eight state primaries to go and 1,053 delegates outstanding, Clinton leads Sanders by 767 delegates. For Sanders to overtake her at the Democratic National Convention in July, Sanders would have to win a huge percentage of remaining delegates and convince a huge number of superdelegates to bolt from Clinton.
The Associated Press views that scenario so unlikely that it is no longer covering Sanders on the campaign trail.
Add to that the newly revealed scandal concerning Jane Sanders and her time at Burlington College:
Burlington College, a tiny Vermont liberal arts school once led by Jane Sanders, the wife of presidential candidate Bernie Sanders, said it is shutting down because of financial problems associated with a property acquisition she oversaw.
In a formal statement announcing its closure, the school cited the “crushing weight” of debt it took on in a 2010 purchase of more than 30 acres from the local Catholic archdiocese. Mrs. Sanders was the college’s president at the time of the $10 million deal.
Well I guess that helps to explain why it has taken Jane Sanders so long to get their taxes in order and why the Sanders' campaign has received all of those letters from the FEC.
So yeah the whole Sanders' campaign is devolving into a giant clusterfuck.
And one that damages not just the Bernie Sanders campaign, but also the DNC, and of course the future of America.