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Sunday, 1 May 2016

Fox News "terrorism expert" pleads guilty to lying about being a former CIA agent.

Courtesy AOL: 

A Fox News guest terrorism analyst pleaded guilty on Friday to U.S. charges that he fraudulently claimed to have been a CIA agent for decades, federal prosecutors said. 

Wayne Simmons, 62, of Annapolis, Maryland, entered the plea in U.S. district court in Alexandria, Virginia, a Washington suburb, the U.S. Attorney's Office said in a statement

The plea came in a hearing in which Simmons changed the not-guilty plea he had made in October. 

"His fraud cost the government money, could have put American lives at risk, and was an insult to the real men and women of the intelligence community who provide tireless service to this country," said Dana Boente, the U.S. Attorney for the Eastern District of Virginia. 

Simmons had appeared on Fox News, the top-ranked U.S. cable television news network, as an unpaid guest analyst on terrorism since 2002.

Well of course the "expert" that Fox News hires to support their Right Wing propaganda is a fraud.

Hell the whole network is a fraud.

Over the last few weeks I have made brief visits to Fox News just to get an idea as to how they are handling this whole election cycle, and it appears to me that they are no longer even pretending to be an actual news organization.

EVERY broadcast is about attacking Hillary Clinton, defending the Republicans, and arguing that the country is going to hell in a handbasket.

My current record is about seven or eight minutes before I have to change the channel while fighting my gag reflex.


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