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Tuesday, 10 May 2016

Daily Mail reports on Dakota Meyer filing to change his daughter's name.

Let's label this photo "awkward."
Courtesy of the Daily Mail: 

Dakota Meyer has headed back to court and demanding his baby with Bristol Palin, Sailor Grace, legally have her last name changed from Palin to Meyer. 

The judge in the case has set a hearing for next month when he will decide whether or not to approves the name change.

According to court records obtained exclusively by Daily Mail Online, Dakota filed a change of name petition in Alaska Court on May 5. 

The records show that Bristol named their daughter Sailor Grace Palin on the birth certificate. Dakota is demanding that his newborn's name be legally changed to Sailor Grace Palin Meyer.

Now before that ridiculous troll shows up declaring how responsible Bristol and Dakota are acting as co-parents and how they are getting along so well it should be noted that if Bristol was on board with this Dakota would not have to file for it in court.

They would simply agree to the name change, skip going to court over it, and file the papers privately.

It should also be noted that Bristol has demanded that Tripp's school refer to him as "Johnson-Palin" despite the fact that his last name is legally "Johnston."

Yeah Bristol's not getting along with ANYBODY despite what the Palin fairy tale trolls might want us to believe.

By the way I understand that Dakota showed up at Tripp's soccer game this weekend.

Reports are that he was a little uncomfortable looking, and that Bristol spent the whole time with her eyes glued to her phone.


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