So the Reason Rally is getting ready to start on June 4th, in Washington D.C. and people could not be more excited.
Well not all people.
Essentially the problem seems to be that there are more and more people thinking for themselves, and not looking for purpose in any of the books sanctioned by any organized religion.
And that REALLY seems to agitate folks like Ken Ham who depend on people NOT thinking for themselves for their livelihood.
Gee, maybe it's time to start making an honest living Kenny.
Well not all people.
I really don't think "worship" is the correct word in this context.The "Reason Rally" 2016 advertised as "world's largest atheist party" is really a worship service--they worship man— Ken Ham (@aigkenham) May 15, 2016
Okay that's a little closer, but I think the word "faith" is once again being misused.Atheists at Reason Rally 2016 are really worshipping the god of self--they exalt reason--they're faith is they arose by natural processes— Ken Ham (@aigkenham) May 15, 2016
Okay seriously, worship, faith, and religion are all words that simply do NOT apply to Atheists.We need to be calling atheism for what it is--a religion-an anti-God religion--a religion that exalts fallible human reason-a worship of man— Ken Ham (@aigkenham) May 15, 2016
Okay well now we're just being silly.Atheist Lawrence Krauss speaking at Reason Rally 2016 says "Forget Jesus...the stars died so you can be here.."--He is worshipping the stars— Ken Ham (@aigkenham) May 15, 2016
Atheists work hard against Christianity cause they're putting their hands over eyes & ears and shouting "I refuse to see and hear truth!"— Ken Ham (@aigkenham) May 15, 2016
Yeah well it kind of goes on from there. And on, and on, and on, and....well you get the point.Atheists believe universe & live arose by natural processes--that's their religion--it's a blind faith religion--it's an anti-God religion— Ken Ham (@aigkenham) May 15, 2016
Essentially the problem seems to be that there are more and more people thinking for themselves, and not looking for purpose in any of the books sanctioned by any organized religion.
And that REALLY seems to agitate folks like Ken Ham who depend on people NOT thinking for themselves for their livelihood.
Gee, maybe it's time to start making an honest living Kenny.