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Thursday, 18 May 2017

I love the smell of impeachment in the morning.

Okay so many of us on the left have been talking impeachment since even before Trump was ever sworn into office.

Let's face it at that time it was just some wishful thinking by a bunch of lefties who were angry and confused by the outcome of the 2016 election.

But that is no longer the case my friends.

Courtesy of The Hill: 

Restive Democrats urging the impeachment of President Trump are amplifying their case Wednesday following new reports suggesting Trump pressed the FBI to drop a probe into former national security adviser Michael Flynn. 

Rep. Maxine Waters (D-Calif.) spoke out at a closed-door Democratic Caucus meeting Wednesday morning, underscoring the urgency of removing Trump, whom the Democrats increasingly see as a national security liability. 

Also Wednesday morning, Rep. Al Green (D-Texas), who joined the impeachment push earlier in the week, took to the House floor to trumpet that call, characterizing his decision as a ”position of conscience.” 

"This is where I stand; I will not be moved,” said Green. “The president must be impeached."

Okay well this is a little more official since it is coming from actual Democrats in the House, but let's face it without Republicans on board there is no way to remove Trump from office.

But wait....

Courtesy of Mother Jones: 

For the first time, Republican members of Congress have gone on record suggesting that one of the scandals engulfing President Donald Trump could be an impeachable offense. Rep. Justin Amash (R-Mich.) said Wednesday that if Trump did indeed ask former FBI Director James Comey to drop the bureau's investigation into former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn, then that would constitute grounds for impeachment, according to the Hill's Cristina Marcos.

Amash was actually the second Republican lawmaker to suggest that Trump's alleged effort to shut down the Flynn probe could be an impeachable offense. "Any effort to stop the federal government from conducting an investigation, any effort to dissuade federal agents from proceeding with an investigation, is very serious and could be construed as obstruction of justice," said Rep. Carlos Curbelo (R-Fla.) on CNN Tuesday night. He added, "Obstruction of justice—in the case of Nixon, in the case of Clinton in the late 90s—has been considered an impeachable offense."

Now only two House Republicans making these statements certainly does not constitute a groundswell, but it IS the first step.

And in my opinion it is a step on a path that many other Republicans will soon find themselves on as well.

In less than four months Trump has suffered one self inflicted wound after another, and the wounds just keep getting deeper and deeper.

It does not seem possible that leaking that classified information to the Russians, and having it revealed that he attempted to get the FBI Director to drop that Russian collusion investigation, is survivable even by Donald Trump.

And we know for a fact that there are still more scandals to come. 

Right now the Trump White House has zero credibility, so even if there WERE a false story printed by a news outlet very few people would believe a denial coming from the Trump Administration.

With a seemingly endless supply of gaffes and no credibility with the American people it feels like it is all done but the crying.

But here's the rub.

The first in the line of succession after Donald Trump is VP Mike Pence, who is perhaps in many ways even more dangerous to the country than Donald Trump.

Mike Pence does not believe in a woman's right to choose, does not believe in marriage equality, does not support legalized marijuana, is pro-school vouchers, is not a supporter of clean energy, and plays just as fast and loose with the truth as Donald Trump.

Replacing Trump with Pence might seem like a good trade, but in fact it is not.

However if by some miracle Pence were also impeached, or forced out of office right along with Trump, that would leave Paul Ryan as the next in the line of succession.

I think we all know just what is wrong with having Ryan in the Oval Office. (The man has never met a social program that he thinks should last one more day.)

So even though it seems more likely than ever that Trump may be impeached what exactly does that solve for the Democrats?

Not a whole hell of a lot.

But there is one somewhat comforting thought. Donald Trump is a scorched earth personality type, so when the effort to remove him from office actually kicks off he is going to go on the attack.

By the time they pry Trump's stubby orange fingers from the doorjamb of the White House front entrance, he may have so damaged his named successor and the Republican party that the Dems could run Anthony Wiener in 2020 and still take back the presidency.

In the meantime I suggest all of you stock up on popcorn, because this three ring circus is just getting started.


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