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Saturday, 23 April 2016

Patton Oswald has some strong opinions about Bernie Sanders supporters who claim they will not vote for Hillary Clinton in the general: "You're a f**king child."

Courtesy of HuffPo:  

Oswalt has been a supporter of Democratic presidential hopeful Bernie Sanders, but made it clear in the interview that he’s not “Bernie or bust.” 

“I will vote for whoever the Democrats nominate against either of those two psychopaths,” he said. “I think they’re both equally dangerous and backward-facing for this country.” 

Asked what he would say to a Bernie supporter who would rather not vote than cast a ballot for Hillary Clinton in the November general election, Oswalt replied, “Well, then you’re a fucking child.”

Well there you go, I could not have said it better myself.

We have these idiots here as well. You see them in the comments section, constantly threatening to take their vote and go home if their candidate does not win the nomination.

First off if that is the case do not refer to yourself as a Democrat. Because you are not one.

Also do not refer to yourself as a patriot, because that is now in question as well.

You vote for the candidate who will do the best job for, and the least damage to, the country.

End of story.

Does anybody really think I was inspired by Mike Dukakis in 1988? Or John Kerry in 2004?

Or for that matter Al Gore in 2000?

I wasn't. But I KNEW that the people running against them were going to pass laws that I found toxic, nominate Supreme Court Justices that would halt progress in this country, and possibly start a war or screw up the economy in way that it would take us years from which to recover.

The same is true this time around. I have nothing against Hillary Clinton per se, but she really does nothing that excites me about voting for her.

However I recognize that she is the best possible choice right now, for a whole lot of reasons that I have laid out on this blog in the past several months.

Every day adults are confronted with tough choices. And as adults we make the one that we hope is best for ourselves, our families, and in this case, our country.

P.S. Literally a couple of hours after I wrote this yesterday I learned that Patton Oswald's wife died.

I just want to say how sorry I am to hear that and that I am sending good thoughts his way.

Oh, and that is completely right about those Bernie Sanders supporters!


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