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Saturday, 23 April 2016

Nancy French expands on the transgender hate mongering that she did on Sarah Palin's Facebook page over on that blog where she pretends to be Bristol Palin.

Courtesy of Brancy's blog:  

You may have seen that ESPN commentator Curt Schilling was either fired or suspended for commenting about the above meme: 

“A man is a man no matter what they call themselves. I don’t care what they are, who they sleep with, men’s room was designed for the penis, women’s not so much. Now you need laws telling us differently? Pathetic.” 

In other words, he got in trouble for stating an obvious fact. 

Men are men.

I imagine that there are a whole lot of things that Nancy French has to carefully explain to Bristol Palin, but I am fairly confident she understands the word "penis."

Nancy French goes on to compare this stupid thing that Curt Schilling said to that stupid thing that Phil Robertson said, and then chalks off the fact that people were upset to "political correctness" which has now become a catch phrase to excuse everything from misogyny, to racism, to even death threats.

"Hey, hey I only threatened to kill you and your whole family if you do not vote for Donald Trump at the convention, why you gotta be so sensitive?"

Now while I am certain that this post, like every other blog post, was written by the ethically deficient Nancy French, Wonkette seems to think that Bristol could have pulled it off on her own: 

Bristol Palin knows about men. They are the ones what knock on her bedroom window in the night and then nine months later, after such an odd sort of weight gain, God blesses her with a baby. Men have fun doohickeys in their pants, and Bristol suspects they might be related to the whole “baby” thing, but you never know if you can trust lamestream biology textbooks. 

Point taken, but since the blog post also contains words like Utopia, functionality, and hypocritical, I am sticking to my belief that Bristol Palin never even reads the blog named in her honor much less writes on it.

Once again let me just say that somewhere out there is psychologist missing a golden opportunity to write a book about the bizarre and vaguely incestuous relationship between a mother, her daughter, and the woman who is paid by the mother to pretend to be the daughter.

They could call it "The Three Faces of Evil."


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