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Friday, 29 April 2016

Here are today's horrible reminders of what it is like to live in the NRA's America.

Courtesy of NBC 4:  

Police say a teen was accidentally shot by his own father Tuesday morning. It happened just after 6 a.m. on Skywae Drive in northeast Columbus. 

According to Columbus police, a teen was taken to an area hospital in stable condition after he was unintentionally shot in the leg.

Now at first the father blamed the shooting on some stranger, but then it turned out that he shot his own son thinking he was an intruder.

Yes not only did he shoot his own child with the gun that he most likely purchased to protect his family, he then also lied to the police about it.

Next up.

This one comes courtesy of the Milwaukee-Wisconsin Journal Sentinel:

A 26-year-old woman was shot to death while driving in Milwaukee on Tuesday morning and the shot came from a child in the back seat who somehow got hold of a gun. 

The woman was struck once in the back as she drove south on Highway 175 near W. Vliet St., at the southwest end of Washington Park, about 10:30 a.m., the Milwaukee County Sheriff's Office said. 

The woman was not breathing and had no pulse when deputies arrived. Officials began CPR but she was pronounced dead at the scene. 

An update to the story identified the child as the woman's two year old son who shot her with her security guard boyfriend's handgun which was carelessly left in the back seat.

Yeah, that's pretty horrible. But sadly not the most horrible.

Courtesy of WSB-TV Atlanta:

A 3-year-old Paulding County boy who accidentally shot and killed himself used his father’s gun, according to police. 

Officers say Holston Cole found his father’s Ruger LCP .380 caliber semiautomatic pistol inside the home on Camp Circle Tuesday morning.

The three year old apparently pressed the gun against his chest and pulled the trigger.

Do we still agree with Bernie Sanders that gun manufacturers should not be sued for making a product so inherently dangerous that a small child can use it to kill themselves or somebody else in their families?

And finally.

Courtesy of WABC-TV:

Police say a doctor and a retired NYPD officer were accidentally shot when the officer's gun accidentally discharged inside the doctor's Long Island office Wednesday morning. 

It happened at about 10:30 a.m. inside the office of Dr. Matthew Nester, a podiatrist, on Long Beach Road in Oceanside. 

According to Nassau County police, the 77-year-old retired officer had removed his licensed .10-mm semi-automatic pistol from a leather briefcase to show to the doctor. 

The weapon accidentally discharged a round, which struck the owner in the thigh and continued through his leg and into doctor's right foot. 

"They both came out on a stretcher," witness Hope Pearlstein said. "They were very alert, and then I heard that he was showing the doctor his gun, and he accidentally shot him in the foot."

You know you might think that a doctor would be just a little cautious about a guy showing off a deadly weapon. But apparently not in the NRA's America.

As always I should mention that there were so many more stories like these that I could have included, and I could literally write something like this up every single day.

But the thing is that at some point we just get numb to it all, and they simply fail to elicit the kind of emotional and fearful response that one might expect.

And that my friends is the scariest part.


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