I still have about this much chance of winning this election. |
In an exclusive interview with The Brody File, Donald Trump says if he doesn't win in November, Republicans will never win another election because Hillary Clinton will make sure illegal immigrants get citizenship.
Donald Trump: "I think it's going to be the last election that the Republicans can win. If we don't win this election, you'll never see another Republican and you'll have a whole different church structure. You'll have a whole different Supreme Court structure."
David Brody: "Just so I understand, when you say last election are you referring to what Michele Bachmann was talking about with citizenship because Hillary is talking about potentially providing citizenship for many of these illegals. That means Florida and Texas could be gone."
Trump: "I think this will be the last election if I don't win. I think this will be the last election that the Republicans have a chance of winning because you're going to have people flowing across the border, you're going to have illegal immigrants coming in and they're going to be legalized and they're going to be able to vote and once that all happens you can forget it. You're not going to have one Republican vote. And it's already a hard number. Already the path is much more difficult for the Republicans. You just have to look at the maps."
I think this is one of the few times that I hope Donald Trump is right about something.
Not the whole illegal immigration part, that's just Alex Jones conspiracy theory bullshit, but the idea that the Republicans will not win another election is certainly a comforting thought.
I would imagine that Trump was actually talking about a presidential election, and not all elections held in this county.
And he might be not be that far off.
Besides let's face it if the Republicans continue to pick candidates to represent their party like Donald Trump, they really don't deserve to win the White House. EVER!
Source http://ift.tt/2chHAHi