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Sunday, 3 April 2016

Donald Trump admits a mistake, and surprisingly it is NOT having Sarah Palin speak on his behalf.

Courtesy of CNN:

Donald Trump admitted to The New York Times on Saturday that retweeting an unflattering photo of Heidi Cruz was a mistake and that he would not do it again if given the opportunity. 

"Yeah, it was a mistake," he told columnist Maureen Dowd. "If I had to do it again, I wouldn't have sent it."

I don't buy this. Trump had more than a week to apologize for the tweet, and instead he made excuses or doubled down and claimed that Cruz started it first.

But now suddenly he is admitting it was mistake because a female reporter is confronting him? 

Sounds like more pandering to me.

Speaking of admitting mistakes, I wonder if Trump will admit it was a mistake to fan the flames of violence at his rallies, now that he is about to be sued for the one in Kentucky?


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