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Friday, 1 December 2017

Rep. Blake Farenthold first sitting Congressman to have been identified as using congressional account to pay off accuser.

Courtesy of Politico: 

Rep. Blake Farenthold used taxpayer money to settle a sexual harassment claim brought by his former spokesman — the only known sitting member of Congress to have used a little-known congressional account to pay an accuser, sources told POLITICO. 

Lauren Greene, the Texas Republican’s former communications director, sued her boss in December 2014 over allegations of gender discrimination, sexual harassment and creating a hostile work environment. 

Greene claimed in the lawsuit that another Farenthold aide told her the lawmaker had “sexual fantasies” and “wet dreams” about Greene. She also claimed that Farenthold “regularly drank to excess” and told her in February 2014 that he was “estranged from his wife and had not had sex with her in years.” 

When she complained about comments Farenthold and a male staffer made to her, Greene said the congressman improperly fired her. She filed a lawsuit in U.S. District Court in the District of Columbia, but the case was later dropped after both parties reached a private settlement. 

No information was ever released on that agreement.

You know if somebody had asked me which sitting politician that I thought was definitely going to be called out during this #MeToo campaign I would not have hesitated for a second in point out Farenthold.

I mean not only is this guy Fifty Shades of Creepy, but he looks like he could not get laid in a whorehouse while wearing a suit made of $100 dollar bills.

Oh, and I also wrote about this case back in 2014.


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