Courtesy of Business Insider:
Univision debate moderator Jorge Ramos confronted Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton on Wednesday over her email scandal, directly asking her if she would drop out of the race for her party's nomination if she were indicted.
"If you get indicted, will you drop out?" he asked her.
The former secretary of state refused to answer the question.
"Oh, for goodness," she started when Ramos pressed her on the issue after she initially danced around it. "It's not going to happen. I'm not even answering that question."
Good response.
When this whole e-mail thing is finally put to rest I wonder what the next line of attack with be for the conservatives?
I'm betting on Bill Clinton's past dalliances with other women.
Here is more courtesy of the New York Times:
Both candidates came prepared for a slash-and-burn debate, fully briefed on their rivals’ records with attack lines at the ready. Mrs. Clinton came at Mr. Sanders with kitchen-sink-style charges from the left but only occasionally mentioned one of her core criticisms: that he makes pie-in-the-sky promises without any way to get them done.
Mr. Sanders, looking to capitalize on his win in Michigan, was ready to fight, denouncing her criticisms of his votes related to the auto bailout, insisting she was misrepresenting his record. He attacked her repeatedly over her speeches to Wall Street firms for large sums of money, even suggesting that she might be hiding something by not releasing the transcripts. Mr. Sanders is effective at wielding the political blade, which he reinforced by tartly saying, “Madame Secretary, I will match my record against yours any day of the week.”
I have to admit that I was completely surprised that there was a debate last night.
If one of you had not sent a comment to IM I would not have known about it until this morning.
As it is I saw none of it as it was happening, but have watched numerous clips from today.
For me I think one of the most powerful, and honest, lines from the debate was when Hillary said, " I am not a natural politician in case you haven't noticed, like my husband or President Obama. So I have a view that I just have to do the best I can, get the results I can, make a difference in people's lives, and hope that people see that I'm fighting for them and that I can improve conditions, economically and other ways, that will benefit them and their families."
It will not exactly fit on a bumper sticker, and makes a lousy campaign slogan, but it felt real to me.
Univision debate moderator Jorge Ramos confronted Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton on Wednesday over her email scandal, directly asking her if she would drop out of the race for her party's nomination if she were indicted.
"If you get indicted, will you drop out?" he asked her.
The former secretary of state refused to answer the question.
"Oh, for goodness," she started when Ramos pressed her on the issue after she initially danced around it. "It's not going to happen. I'm not even answering that question."
Good response.
When this whole e-mail thing is finally put to rest I wonder what the next line of attack with be for the conservatives?
I'm betting on Bill Clinton's past dalliances with other women.
Here is more courtesy of the New York Times:
Both candidates came prepared for a slash-and-burn debate, fully briefed on their rivals’ records with attack lines at the ready. Mrs. Clinton came at Mr. Sanders with kitchen-sink-style charges from the left but only occasionally mentioned one of her core criticisms: that he makes pie-in-the-sky promises without any way to get them done.
Mr. Sanders, looking to capitalize on his win in Michigan, was ready to fight, denouncing her criticisms of his votes related to the auto bailout, insisting she was misrepresenting his record. He attacked her repeatedly over her speeches to Wall Street firms for large sums of money, even suggesting that she might be hiding something by not releasing the transcripts. Mr. Sanders is effective at wielding the political blade, which he reinforced by tartly saying, “Madame Secretary, I will match my record against yours any day of the week.”
I have to admit that I was completely surprised that there was a debate last night.
If one of you had not sent a comment to IM I would not have known about it until this morning.
As it is I saw none of it as it was happening, but have watched numerous clips from today.
For me I think one of the most powerful, and honest, lines from the debate was when Hillary said, " I am not a natural politician in case you haven't noticed, like my husband or President Obama. So I have a view that I just have to do the best I can, get the results I can, make a difference in people's lives, and hope that people see that I'm fighting for them and that I can improve conditions, economically and other ways, that will benefit them and their families."
It will not exactly fit on a bumper sticker, and makes a lousy campaign slogan, but it felt real to me.