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Thursday, 31 March 2016

Sarah Palin finally posts pictures of Todd in the hospital recovering from his accident.

Courtesy of Palin's only remaining media outlet Facebook:

So grateful for your prayers and support during Todd's recovery! He's in a good place - on the couch - insisting if there's any good season for injury, it's now. 

"March Madness is a great distraction," Todd reports. "And catching up on 'Deadliest Catch' and 'Bering Sea Gold' episodes is some awesome motivational therapy. I can't wait to get on Bristol Bay waters and pick fish with the family!" 

In our 35 years, I've never seen the guy have to literally hold still, sit down, and take a (winced) breath. And I've never seen Todd so touched by the kindness shown during difficult days. 

"It's overwhelming and I'm not worthy of these well-wishes," he said. "I wish I could repay people for caring. Makes me want to do more for others, especially when they're down and out. Maybe that's part of the purpose in all this." 

It IS overwhelming, friends' goodness permeating the situation. Todd is always, always doing what he can for others, and rooting for anyone going through life's trials. It's amazing to realize his character is recognized outside of our four walls. He's got a great heart... to go along with two inflated lungs now, metal holding bones together, and stitched up epidermis that makes him appreciate good health more than ever. 

"I can't thank you guys enough," Todd said. "The past few weeks showed us it's not just family circling the wagons; I don't think we'd ever realized that before. People out there who are hurting a hundred times worse than I was can use our prayers and any kind gesture. Maybe I can only repay by offering the same to you."

 Well we asked for pictures, and now there are pictures.

Of course I notice that we still have no pictures of the snowmachine.


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