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Friday, 18 March 2016

Radar Online has new documents that show Bristol Palin using every excuse in the book to deny Dakota Meyer his visitation rights.

Courtesy of Radar Online:  

Right out of the gate, Palin’s attorneys state, “The visitation schedule proposed by [Meyer] is different from the schedule previously agreed to by the parties, and the first time Ms. Palin saw this proposed schedule is when” she saw Meyer had filed it with the court. 

Meyer’s proposed plan to visit his daughter places “undue burden and hardship on Ms. Palin and her family,” the documents claim. He asked to meet her in Anchorage at 7:30 a.m. on the days he has his daughter, but Palin complained she’d have to “leave her home in Wasilla by 6:00 a.m.” to get there. She also claimed that his proposed drop-off time of 6 p.m. was “unreasonably late.”

Apparently Bristol told told the court that her job, you know the one that she leaves any damn time she pleases, us "unpredictable" and she is never sure when she might have the day off or even at what time she might need to be at work.

First a non-existent breastfeeding schedule and now this?

Bristol also shared text messages with the court to show that her relationship with Meyer has become strained over this.

In the messages, obtained by Radar, she repeatedly badgers Meyer to settle visitation dates with her, as he refers her to his attorney and the court. 

“I’m not fighting with you,” Palin insists, but can’t totally restrain her emotions. Told that Meyer filed a proposed schedule with the court, she resounded “That’s news to me…Why can’t you send me the dates directly.” 

“I am busy with work and two kids, I’m not fully up to date on emails,” she rants. “Like I told you months ago, it’s easiest to connect with me directly, so I know what’s going on. Not legal documents that have tons of attachments. … I have to get up everyday at 4:30.”

Clearly Bristol is trying to trick Dakota into working this whole thing out without the court's involvement, because she knows they will protect his interests and call her out on her manipulative bullshit. 

However clearly he is getting good advice about keeping the communication about the visitation between the lawyers, and is now going to Radar Online to embarrass her in public. and pressure her to play by the rules.

That is EXACTLY the right way to deal with the Palins.

Trust me if Dakota caved and started to negotiate with Bristol in private she would do everything she could think of to make him feel guilty, use her "job" and her fantasy breastfeeding schedule to manipulate him, and in the end lie to the media about things he supposedly agreed to and that he in some way threatened, harassed, or attempted to intimidate her.

If I were Dakota I would have NO communications with that were not through his attorney or witnessed by a third party.


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