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Thursday, 10 March 2016

Pro-gun mom shot in the back by four year old son with gun left in the backseat of her car.

Courtesy of the New York Daily News: 

A proud, pro-gun mom was accidentally shot by her 4-year-old son — just a day after the Second Amendment-loving woman boasted about her tot’s shooting skills. 

The Florida boy found the loaded weapon in mom Jamie Gilt’s car Tuesday and shot her as they cruised down a Putnam County road, officials said. The 31-year-old mother survived the mid-drive attack and is in stable condition. 

“Even my 4 year old gets jacked up to target shoot with the .22,” Gilt wrote on Facebook Monday during a fiery online debate about guns as a means of self-defense. The Jacksonville mom maintained she has the right to shoot anyone who threatens her and her family — and she's teaching her kids to do the same.

This was from the woman's Twitter account:
Not sure if that was the "toy" that put the hole in her body, but it is clear she does not respect the deadliness of firearms.

I would like to think that this woman will have learned her lesson, especially since both she and her child survived what could have been a fatal incident for one or both of them, but if this post from her Facebook page is any indication she might be one of those slow learner types.

(H/T to Crooks and Liars.)


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