Courtesy of Raw Story:@LPDonovan Nifty find. Trump pressuring his future wife to pose for Playboy. Personally negotiated the fee.— Jeff Nichols (@backwards_river) October 1, 2016
The article, tweeted by historian and Ph.D. candidate at the University of Illinois Jeff Nichols, ABD, outlines how Trump insisted that Maples do the centerfold and negotiated a million dollar check to compensate her for so doing.
“‘Donald doesn’t want Marla to look like she’s against Ivana,’ Says Trump’s PR guru, Chuck Jones. ‘Donald wants picture approval. Donald says to emphasize her early years,'” the article reads.
It continues talking about how much Maples didn’t want to do the nude layout, fearing people would only see her as a pretty face, not a serious woman.
“‘Trump himself was on the phone negotiating the fee,’ remembers a top Playboy editor. ‘He wanted her to do the nude layout. She didn’t.’ (‘I’m thankful for my body, but I didn’t want to exploit it,’ Marla offers. ‘How would I ever be taken seriously?’)” The story continues.
So essentially Trump tired to pimp his wife out so that millions of men could masturbate to pictures of her nude body. And yet now he erroneously claims that a former Miss USA who dared to speak out against him starred in a pornographic film.
The word for today boys and girls is "projection."
And speaking of projection Trump also accused his opponent Hillary Clinton of cheating on Bill:
Trump did not stop there. He said he did not believe Clinton would be loyal to her supporters and chuckled, “I don’t even think she’s loyal to Bill, to tell you the truth. And why should she be, right? Why should she be?”
So attacking her for being the victim of infidelity is no longer enough, now he wants to accuse her of betraying her vows as well. And this from a guy who cheated on his wife, and then bragged about it to Howard Stern.
Trump also attacked Hillary's "stamina" in his speech yesterday: Yeah well she certainly had enough stamina to kick his ass during that debate, didn't she?
By the way here is a reminder that THIS is the guy attacking women over their weight and lack of stamina.
Remember that word kids, "projection."