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Sunday, 20 March 2016

Man finds fossils in front yard that he believes are from Noah's flood, evolution denying fossil "expert" confirms it without actually seeing the evidence. Go ahead guess which state this is.

Courtesy of CBS 19: 

One East Texas man believes he found fossils from Noah’s flood and a self-proclaimed fossil expert says he's right. 

“From Noah’s flood to my front yard, how much better can it get,” Wayne Propst said. 

Propst is stunned. He was helping his aunt lay some dirt outside her home in Tyler when he found this. 

“What's really interesting to me is we're talking about the largest catastrophe known to man, the flood that engulfed the entire world,” Propst said. 

He called up self-proclaimed fossil expert Joe Taylor who confirmed that what Propst found is in fact from the time of Noah’s ark and he says finding those fossils in Tyler is rare.

Did you guess Texas? Because seriously you should always guess Texas, with Florida as your back up.

By the way this is what it says on this "fossil experts" website:

I’m Joe Taylor, the director and curator of the Mt. Blanco Fossil Museum. If you like fossils, dinosaur digs and other old things you have come to the right place. Check the news reports. We want to show you why we do not believe that the evolution theory or the millions of years concept is good science.

Well it's a good thing he keeps an open mind, don't you think?

"Hey if you want to hear some complete bullshit about fossils, from a guy who hates actual science, then give me call. Reinforcement of your superstitious beliefs guaranteed."

This is what this Propst guy's aunt had to say about the "discovery":

“To think that like he says that we have something in our yard that dated back to when God destroyed the earth. I mean, how much better could anything be,” Givan said.

And at the end of the video on the CBS 19 website Propst himself makes this comment:

"Who else can say they have a front yard full of Noah's dirt?" 

Look I know that Texans gets really snippy with me for pointing out all of the morons living in their state, but come on! How could I resist this story?


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