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Tuesday, 18 October 2016

Donald Trump is not even mentioned in the voter guides in Alaska. Oops?

Courtesy of The Hill:

Alaskans won’t find any information about Donald Trump in their voter’s guide this year, after the GOP presidential nominee's campaign failed to submit biographical data and a candidate statement. 

The voter guide, which hit mailboxes this weekend, includes candidate statements from Democrats Hillary Clinton and Tim Kaine, Green Party nominee Jill Stein and her running mate, Ajamu Baraka, the Constitution Party nominee and an independent candidate. But state elections officials say the Trump campaign and Libertarian nominee Gary Johnson did not submit materials ahead of an Aug. 30 deadline. 

Josie Bahnke, Alaska’s director of elections, sent letters to the Republican National Committee, Speaker Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) and Tuckerman Babcock, the chairman of the Alaska Republican Party, seeking information from the Trump campaign. But none of those groups responded in time to be included in the pamphlet.

You know if you are attempting to get elected to perhaps the most consequential job on the planet, it really does not help your case if your campaign is so incompetent that it cannot even meet a deadline to have your information included on a voter information packet.

Perhaps Trump's campaign simply felt that Alaska was a given as a state that would vote for Trump.

But if that is true perhaps they better take a hard look at the most recent polling.

By the way check out who Trump has as his campaign spokesman up here:

The campaign in May named former state Rep. Tom Anderson, who served a five-year prison sentence in 2007 after being convicted of money laundering and bribery charges during his time in office, as its state spokesman, the Alaska Dispatch News reported.

Freaking Tom Anderson, one of the original Corrupt Bastards that Alaska turned their backs on back in 2008?

Yeah nothing says integrity and an end to political corruption like having a convicted felon speaking for your campaign.

Come on Alaska, let's show the country that we are done with shady characters like Tom Anderson and Donald Trump.

Let's go blue for the first time in over fifty years!


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