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Tuesday, 1 March 2016

If success in this election cycle were based on money alone, Bernie Sanders would kicking everybody's ass right now.

Courtesy of Politico:

Bernie Sanders campaign says it raised $40 million in February—and at least $4 million on Monday alone. 

The Vermont Senator's fundraising continues to be driven by his online operation. 

Sanders’ team kicked off the day by informing backers that the team had raised $36 million and set a goal of $40 million for day's end. By 7:45 pm, the site set up by the campaign to track donations showed that goal being met—and a new goal of $45 million in place. Sanders’ money comes largely from small donations, meaning contributors can, in most cases, give multiple times without hitting the $2,700 maximum. 

The campaigns do not have to release their February numbers until March 20th, so we do not yet know just how far ahead of the other candidates Bernie is right now, But since Hillary only raised about 13 million in January it looks like Bernie is more than likely outpacing her right now.

However if you look at the overall numbers, Hillary has brought in almost double what Sanders has raised since this whole thing began.

Of course if we have learned anything it is that more money does NOT equal a stronger campaign or more attractive candidate.

We will refer to that from this day forward as the "Jeb! hypothesis."


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