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Tuesday, 29 March 2016

How Susan Sarandon single-handedly turned me against Bernie Sanders supporters.

Courtesy of the Daily Beast:  

As they continued to discuss the issue, Hayes pressed Sarandon to see the election as potentially a choice between Clinton and Trump, arguing that Sanders himself would “probably” urge his supporters to vote for her. 

“I think Bernie would probably encourage people, because he doesn’t have any ego in this thing,” Sarandon told him. “But I think a lot of people are, ‘Sorry, I just can’t bring myself to [vote for Clinton].’” 

“How about you personally?” Hayes asked. 

“I don’t know. I’m going to see what happens,” Sarandon said. 

That bit of honesty prompted Hayes to stop in his tracks. “Really?” he asked incredulously. 

“Really,” Sarandon said, adding that “some people feel that Donald Trump will bring the revolution immediately if he gets in, things will really explode.” Asked if she thinks that’s “dangerous,” she replied, “It’s dangerous to think that we can continue the way we are with the militarized police force, with privatized prisons, with the death penalty, with the low minimum wage, threats to women’s rights and think you can’t do something huge to turn that around.”

So to Susan Sarandon, Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump are two sides of the same "revolution?"


You know I sometimes joke on here about yelling at my TV set, but during this interview I literally was yelling at my TV set.

It's not that Sarandon did not make good points about Clinton's ties to Monsanto and fracking, she did. However these are small parts of a much bigger picture, a picture that Sarandon and many other supporters of Bernie Sanders seem unable to fully appreciate.

Such as the importance of making sure we have somebody who will continue to support the Affordable Care Act, will select reasonable Supreme Court nominees who will fight for women's right to choose and help overturn the Citizen's United decision, and has the capability to bring in more Democrats to the House and Senate so that we can start to make some real progress in this country concerning improved infrastructure and moving from fossil fuels to renewable energy.

After I watched it I went downstairs to talk to my daughter about it, and she responded by telling me that a large number of Sanders supporters were of the same opinion as Sarandon. (This after she assured me she was not one of them of course.)

I think I kind of lost it after that, and started ranting about how Sanders was not supporting down ticket Democrats, so his ideas were pie in the sky fantasies that would elicit very little support from Democrats who worried about retaining their seats once Bernie's big socialist agenda crashed and burned on liftoff.

I also said that anybody who has lived through the sixties and seventies knows full well that revolutions in the United States do not bring huge changes, but good ideas can take root, and change can occur, if people remain realistic and keep pushing their agenda even in the face of entrenched opposition.

I also ranted that people like this were the crux of the problem because they sit out midterm elections, and fail to support local elections, and then every four years awaken from their political hibernation to bitch about the process and throw their support behind the spoiler candidate who has little if any chance of winning.

By the end I had decided that I was simply done with Bernie Sanders.

I KNOW that some of you are Bernie supporters, and I want to be sympathetic to your point of view, but at this point I am finding it almost impossible to feign neutrality in the face of the bullshit that I am seeing.

Even the Republicans are in on this scam

The only ones who don't seem to recognize what is happening here are the Sanders supporters themselves, and unless they wake up they will soon find themselves living in a country where revolution really WILL seem like the only viable alternative.


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