Courtesy of NBC News:
Federal investigators are examining whether former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn met with senior Turkish officials just weeks before President Donald Trump's inauguration about a potential quid pro quo in which Flynn would be paid to carry out directives from Ankara secretly while in the White House, according to multiple people familiar with the investigation.
Investigators for Special Counsel Robert Mueller's probe into Russia's interference with the U.S. presidential election recently questioned witnesses about the alleged December 2016 meeting between Flynn and senior Turkish officials, two people knowledgeable with the interviews said. The questions were part of a line of inquiry regarding Flynn's lobbying efforts on behalf of Turkey.
Mueller's investigation into Flynn's potential deal with Turkey was first reported by The Wall Street Journal.
Four people familiar with the investigation said Mueller is looking into whether Flynn discussed in the late December meeting orchestrating the return to Turkey of a chief rival of Turkish President Recep Erdogan who lives in the U.S. Additionally, three people familiar with the probe said investigators are examining whether Flynn and other participants discussed a way to free a Turkish-Iranian gold trader, Reza Zarrab, who is jailed in the U.S. Zarrab is facing federal charges that he helped Iran skirt U.S. sanctions.
Mueller is specifically examining whether the deal, if successful, would have led to millions of dollars in secret payments to Flynn, according to three sources familiar with the investigation.
Keep in mind this would mean that Michael Flynn was working for a payday from the Turkish government, to kidnap a dissident and spirit him out of the country, WHILE he was still working for the Trump campaign.
That is 50 shades of illegal right there.
Mueller is also taking a hard look at Flynn's son to see if he is also complicit in these negotiations.
Gee is there anybody who worked for the Trump campaign that was NOT secretly also working for a foreign government?
It looks like a good time to share this delightful video yet again as well.

Federal investigators are examining whether former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn met with senior Turkish officials just weeks before President Donald Trump's inauguration about a potential quid pro quo in which Flynn would be paid to carry out directives from Ankara secretly while in the White House, according to multiple people familiar with the investigation.
Investigators for Special Counsel Robert Mueller's probe into Russia's interference with the U.S. presidential election recently questioned witnesses about the alleged December 2016 meeting between Flynn and senior Turkish officials, two people knowledgeable with the interviews said. The questions were part of a line of inquiry regarding Flynn's lobbying efforts on behalf of Turkey.
Mueller's investigation into Flynn's potential deal with Turkey was first reported by The Wall Street Journal.
Four people familiar with the investigation said Mueller is looking into whether Flynn discussed in the late December meeting orchestrating the return to Turkey of a chief rival of Turkish President Recep Erdogan who lives in the U.S. Additionally, three people familiar with the probe said investigators are examining whether Flynn and other participants discussed a way to free a Turkish-Iranian gold trader, Reza Zarrab, who is jailed in the U.S. Zarrab is facing federal charges that he helped Iran skirt U.S. sanctions.
Mueller is specifically examining whether the deal, if successful, would have led to millions of dollars in secret payments to Flynn, according to three sources familiar with the investigation.
Keep in mind this would mean that Michael Flynn was working for a payday from the Turkish government, to kidnap a dissident and spirit him out of the country, WHILE he was still working for the Trump campaign.
That is 50 shades of illegal right there.
Mueller is also taking a hard look at Flynn's son to see if he is also complicit in these negotiations.
Gee is there anybody who worked for the Trump campaign that was NOT secretly also working for a foreign government?
It looks like a good time to share this delightful video yet again as well.
I think the overall takeaway from all of this is that whatever members of the Trump campaign or White House accuse others of doing is definitely something that they themselves are doing.If Flynn gets indicted, the condition for his bail should include that this plays nonstop during his house arrest.— Brian Klaas (@brianklaas) November 5, 2017