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Wednesday, 30 March 2016

Does the lawyer for the former "DC Madam" really have explosive information that might impact the current presidential election? And if so who should be worried?

Courtesy of US News:

A lawyer who represented the so-called “D.C. madam” says he has phone records that could influence the outcome of the presidential election, and he’s threatening to release one or more names on the steps of the U.S. Supreme Court if he’s denied a hearing on his right to distribute them. 

Montgomery Blair Sibley, the late madam Deborah Palfrey’s colorful attorney, has been subject to a restraining order since 2007 barring him from releasing the information, which he says includes 815 names, addresses and Social Security numbers of Verizon Wireless customers. 

“Time is of the essence because people are casting votes in primaries and caucuses,” he says. “I believe this information is relevant to that political discourse.” 

Sibley first said the records could be relevant to the presidential race in January, when there were 15 high-profile candidates. Now, just three Republicans and two Democrats remain – though Sibley won’t say if any are implicated, citing fear of being jailed for contempt.

I first heard about this story last night on the Rachel Maddow show, and I have to admit I was intrigued.

Now assuming that this Sibley guy is not simply an opportunist looking to get some attention during a "Mr. Toad's Wild Ride" of a campaign cycle, who do we think would be the most likely candidate to be damaged by anything contained in these phone records?

Deborah Palfrey ran her escort business for thirteen years, starting in the early 90's and ending in 2006 when the Feds busted her.

During part of that time Ted Cruz worked for the Federal Trade Commission in Washington D.C. so he could clearly be the target.

John Kasich was a Congressman in Washington during some of that time as well, but since he really does not seem to factor into the nomination process, it does not seem that Sibley's claim that this will influence the outcome of the race would hold true if the records contained Kasich's phone number.

Could it be Trump?

Of course it could be Trump. But the question is would even THAT really matter?

That leaves Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton.

Bernie? Nah!

Hillary? Well that would make her more interesting, but somehow I doubt it.

Which really only leaves one possibility. The Big Dog. The Big Hound Dog.

Bill Clinton.

Could it be Bill? Much like Trump, of course it can.

After all Bill Clinton's presidency is not only remembered for its economic prosperity, now is it?

But then the question is, "Does that really affect Hillary's chances at winning the nomination, or the presidency?"

I don't really think so, after all this would just make Hillary seem even more sympathetic, but then again it also adds yet another weapon to the GOP arsenal.

However consider this. Last night Rachel Maddow reminded her viewers that Palfrey tried to negotiate a deal by threatening to release information about these phone records with the understanding that the Republican administration in power at that time would not want those records publicized. (After all remember it was revealed at the time that then Republican Senator David Vitter was utilizing the service.)

So recognizing that information which came out about Bill or Hillary would only have thrilled the George Bush administration, I think that it is more likely that these records are more of a concern to the GOP candidates.


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