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Tuesday, 29 March 2016

Apparently Sarah Palin does not know the difference between Facebook memes and actual news.

If it's on Facebook it must be true. Right?
Courtesy of the Moosenugget Moron's Facebook page:  

Want a great summary of memes and reports to keep you up to speed on a myriad of news topics? If you only read one thing throughout the day, THIS IS IT. Hat tip to my Minnesota buddy Mike who is always on top of the issues for all of us, and he's allowed me to share his email address so you can receive his email report, too! To be added to his list just shoot Mike an email. (Oh yeah, I think we should totally shoot this Mike guy an e-mail. I'll bet by the end of the day he will be SO happy that Palin shared his e-mail address.)

(Purveyors of imperative info like this are the type of guys I pal around with!)

(Actually I think we knew that already.)

Here's a sample of yesterday's email from this true American patriot who's fed up with politics-as-usual, and he's doing something about it!

Here is an example of the kind of "imperative info" that this Mike guy provides.

You may recognize it as yet another failed attempt by the Right Wing to get Americans outraged over something that Obama did that every other President has also done before him.
Now see dammit I KNEW that Ronald Reagan and George H. Bush were secretly communists!

Can't say I'm surprised that Sarah Palin is bragging that she gets her "information" from the same place that your Aunt Ethel gets her proof positive that Michelle Obama is a pre-op transsexual and the President is her gay love slave. After all we've read her posts, where else would be be getting it?

However I take it as real evidence that she really does not have a full time advisor on staff who would surely have told her that this was a really stupid thing to do.

BTW Sarah we are still waiting for more information about Todd's accident. Remember, pics or it never happened.


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