Courtesy of Sputnik News:
Donald Trump appears to have made a political comeback for the ages, but the media has gone silent about a major new poll that shows the Republican has catapulted back into the lead instead showing their viewers polls from three weeks ago.
Following a major shake-up in his campaign’s leadership with the hiring of seasoned political operative Kellyanne Conway to manage the effort and controversial Brietbart CEO Steve Bannon to consult on messaging, Donald Trump has seen a meteoric rise in daily tracking polls jumping eight points to somersault past Hillary Clinton calling the corporate media’s coronation of the former Secretary of State into question.
The poll, released by USC/LA Times asks a portion of 3,000 US citizens randomly across all households and demographic groups who they prefer for president. The poll is conducted each day to measure any volatile shifts in the candidates’ performance and to gauge the momentum of the race.
The poll finds that Trump now holds a two point lead over Clinton, nationally. The poll found Donald Trump seven points ahead of Hillary Clinton at the start of the Democratic National Convention marred by WikiLeaks revelations of a coordinated effort by Hillary Clinton’s campaign, the DNC, and the mainstream media to undermine the electoral chances of opponent Bernie Sanders. The press were actually told to report spoon fed lines from political operatives “without attribution” in order to create a false narrative. Esteemed journalists such as dean of the Nevada political press corps and MSNBC correspondent Jon Ralston happily did as they were told.
Wow! That sounded like it could have come directly from Breitbart News instead of a Russian new outlet.
As you might imagine that USC/LA Times poll is an outlier and a quick check over at Real Clear Politics shows that most of the polling has Hillary up significantly over Trump in every other poll.
Of course to get the straight poop the best source is Nate Silver over at FiveThirtyEight:
Hillary Clinton moved into a clear polling lead over Donald Trump just after the Democratic convention, which ended on July 28. Pretty much ever since, the reporters and poll watchers that I follow have seemed eager to tell the next twist in the story. Would Trump’s numbers get even worse, possibly leading to the first double-digit victory for a Democratic presidential candidate since 1964? Or would Trump mount a comeback? As of last Tuesday, there wasn’t much evidence of an overall shift in the race. Trump was gaining ground in some polls but losing ground in a roughly equal number of them.
Since then, Trump has gotten some slightly better results, with national polls suggesting a race more in line with a 5- or 6-percentage-point lead for Clinton instead of the 7- or 8-point lead she had earlier in August. But state polls haven’t really followed suit and continue to show Clinton with some of her largest leads of the campaign. Trump received some decent numbers in Iowa and Nevada, but his polls in other swing states have been bad.
Overall, Trump has gained slightly in our forecasts: He’s up to a 15 percent chance of winning the Electoral College in our polls-only model, up from a low of 11 percent a week ago.
In other words Trump is still getting slaughter, but the slaughter is only slightly less bloody.
However for the Russian news agency that signifies a "comeback."
Is this the moment time that we can stop arguing that Russia is NOT trying to get Donald Trump elected?
Donald Trump appears to have made a political comeback for the ages, but the media has gone silent about a major new poll that shows the Republican has catapulted back into the lead instead showing their viewers polls from three weeks ago.
Following a major shake-up in his campaign’s leadership with the hiring of seasoned political operative Kellyanne Conway to manage the effort and controversial Brietbart CEO Steve Bannon to consult on messaging, Donald Trump has seen a meteoric rise in daily tracking polls jumping eight points to somersault past Hillary Clinton calling the corporate media’s coronation of the former Secretary of State into question.
The poll, released by USC/LA Times asks a portion of 3,000 US citizens randomly across all households and demographic groups who they prefer for president. The poll is conducted each day to measure any volatile shifts in the candidates’ performance and to gauge the momentum of the race.
The poll finds that Trump now holds a two point lead over Clinton, nationally. The poll found Donald Trump seven points ahead of Hillary Clinton at the start of the Democratic National Convention marred by WikiLeaks revelations of a coordinated effort by Hillary Clinton’s campaign, the DNC, and the mainstream media to undermine the electoral chances of opponent Bernie Sanders. The press were actually told to report spoon fed lines from political operatives “without attribution” in order to create a false narrative. Esteemed journalists such as dean of the Nevada political press corps and MSNBC correspondent Jon Ralston happily did as they were told.
Wow! That sounded like it could have come directly from Breitbart News instead of a Russian new outlet.
As you might imagine that USC/LA Times poll is an outlier and a quick check over at Real Clear Politics shows that most of the polling has Hillary up significantly over Trump in every other poll.
Of course to get the straight poop the best source is Nate Silver over at FiveThirtyEight:
Hillary Clinton moved into a clear polling lead over Donald Trump just after the Democratic convention, which ended on July 28. Pretty much ever since, the reporters and poll watchers that I follow have seemed eager to tell the next twist in the story. Would Trump’s numbers get even worse, possibly leading to the first double-digit victory for a Democratic presidential candidate since 1964? Or would Trump mount a comeback? As of last Tuesday, there wasn’t much evidence of an overall shift in the race. Trump was gaining ground in some polls but losing ground in a roughly equal number of them.
Since then, Trump has gotten some slightly better results, with national polls suggesting a race more in line with a 5- or 6-percentage-point lead for Clinton instead of the 7- or 8-point lead she had earlier in August. But state polls haven’t really followed suit and continue to show Clinton with some of her largest leads of the campaign. Trump received some decent numbers in Iowa and Nevada, but his polls in other swing states have been bad.
Overall, Trump has gained slightly in our forecasts: He’s up to a 15 percent chance of winning the Electoral College in our polls-only model, up from a low of 11 percent a week ago.
In other words Trump is still getting slaughter, but the slaughter is only slightly less bloody.
However for the Russian news agency that signifies a "comeback."
Is this the moment time that we can stop arguing that Russia is NOT trying to get Donald Trump elected?