Personally I can hardly wait until November when ALL of these assholes are covered by a black mark. |
I have to admit that I am pretty over the whole GOP race, especially since it looks like Trump is going to emerge victorious. Which by the way COMPLETELY undermines every single thing the Republican party has said about the importance of morality, family values, experience, pro-life credibility, and just about everything else that they have been attacking Democrats over for the last thirty plus years or so.
The one possible thing about tonight's debate that might make it worth putting off my Netflix and chill plans for tonight, is that the friction between "the Donald" and Ted "so creepy I can;t look him in the face" Cruz is at an all time high.
Which means that Trump is going to make Cruz his butt boy tonight.
Don't think I want to miss that.
I also imagine that there will be quite a number of kisses blown toward the memory of Antonin Scalia, so for those brave souls sitting through this tonight remember to have your barf bags at the ready.
As always you can follow me on Twitter, and I will be updating the post as events dictate.