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Wednesday, 17 February 2016

President Obama just dismisses Donald Trump's chances of winning the presidency out of hand.

Courtesy of the Telegraph: 

"I continue to believe Mr Trump will not be president. And the reason is I have a lot of faith in the American people. I think they recognise being president is a serious job. It's not hosting a talk show or a reality show, it's not promotion, it's not marketing, it's hard and a lot of people count on us getting it right. 

"It's not a matter of pandering and getting in the news every day. It requires being able to work with leaders around the world in a way that reflects the importance of the office, and gives people confidence that you know the facts, and you know their names, and you know where they are on a map, and you know something about their history."

As you can imagine this did not go over well with the Donald.
Aww, did somebody get his widdle feewings hurt?

My favorite thing about this is that President Obama is the master of getting under Trump's skin.

For my money the best take down of Donald Trump that ever took place, was when Obama essentially roasted him during the White House Correspondent's dinner back in 2011.

If Hillary was smart she would recruit the President to help her knock Trump off his game, and get him to react to things that make him look petty and small.


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