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Tuesday, 9 February 2016

Nothing gets Jeb Bush as riled up as people "attacking" his brother. In that case Jeb! might want to skip reading this post.

Courtesy of Politico:  

During a 35-minute discussion for POLITICO’s “Off Message” podcast, the former Florida governor was at turns deeply reflective about the long-term implications of the brutal Republican primary on his party — and personally engaged in dismantling his opponents, especially his protégé-turned-rival Rubio, who, he believes, is too callow, inexperienced and calculating to be president. 

But Bush was most emotional when I asked what he’d learned from his brother’s tumultuous final few years as one of the most unpopular presidents in modern history. 

“I would say the last part of my brother’s time, the part I didn’t like, was that they just let the incoming come,” Bush said, his voice rising. “I got tired of that, tired because I love my brother, and my impulse watching the news in the last three years where they — no one seemed to defend him — was get out there and fight.” 

Gee, poor widdle Jeb.

Had to stand by and watch while the media went after his brother for almost destroying the fucking country.

The reason that "no one seemed to defend him" is because what he had done was indefensible.

He lied to the America people. Started two unnecessary wars. Stood by and did nothing while people drowned during Katrina. Was President during the worst terrorist attack in American history. And virtually destroyed the economy.

And that is by no means everything.

In fact as far as many Americans are concerned one the biggest travesties of our time is that George W. and this cohorts were not found guilty of treason and are not sitting in federal penitentiaries right now.

So if Jeb Bush does not want to hear bad things said about his brother, then perhaps he ought to end his failing campaign, go home, unplug his television and computer, and hide under the covers for the next thirty years or so.

Oh, and Fuck you and your entire criminal family.


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