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Thursday, 4 February 2016

MSNBC Democratic debate Open Thread.

Okay I think tonight is when things get real folks.

Martin O'Malley is no longer working as a buffer, the Iowa caucus (And it's confusing outcome.) is now behind us, and there have been more than a few sharp edged barbs hurled in both directions.

I think Hillary has much to prove tonight going into New Hampshire, and Bernie is going to want to define himself more completely before the media and the Clinton campaign do it for him.

I have to say that even though I felt a little done in by the last debates, and of course the Iowa caucus, tonight I have my ears perked up and my mind fully caffeinated for what could be one of the most interesting and consequential interactions between these two candidates in the entire campaign season.

And with Rachel Maddow as one of the moderators you KNOW it will be fascinating to watch. 

As always you can follow me here on Twitter and of course I will be updating this post as events dictate.

P.S. By the way here is an interesting article about the "Bernie Bros" phenomena.  


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