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Friday, 19 February 2016

Good guy Bernie Sanders.

Courtesy of CBS News: 

Although he's officially an independent senator, Sanders decided to compete for the Democratic nomination. He's said since he announced his candidacy that he would not run as an independent, and he said Monday that "of course" he still plans to hold to that pledge despite his recent success. 

Sanders said he thought about running as independent in the first place, but decided not to. 

"If we were serious about winning this election, which is always my intention from day one, I thought we could and I hope that we will. I had to do it within the Democratic primary caucus process," he said. 

"What I did not want to do is run as a third party candidate, take votes away from the Democratic candidate and help elect some right-wing Republican. I did not want responsibility for that. So what I said at the beginning of the campaign is that I was not going to run as an independent. And I say it now, that if I do not win this process I will not run as an independent."

Politics can be an ugly business and sometimes things are said in the heat of battle that can nurture anger and distrust long after an election is over.

But at the end of the day Bernie Sanders is a good and decent man. And if by some chance he wins the nomination I will support him 100%.

So let us remember, as we argue for our candidates in the primaries, that we ALL have one goal in common, and that is to make sure that the next President of the United States is NOT one of the passengers from that GOP clown car.


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