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Friday, 30 June 2017

It seems like Secretary of State Tillerson is just about fed up with this administration.

Don't worry Rexi, your still my man.
Courtesy of Politico: 

Secretary of State Rex Tillerson’s frustrations with the White House have been building for months. Last Friday, they exploded. 

The normally laconic Texan unloaded on Johnny DeStefano, the head of the presidential personnel office, for torpedoing proposed nominees to senior State Department posts and for questioning his judgment.

Tillerson also complained that the White House was leaking damaging information about him to the news media, according to a person familiar with the meeting. Above all, he made clear that he did not want DeStefano’s office to “have any role in staffing” and “expressed frustration that anybody would know better” than he about who should work in his department — particularly after the president had promised him autonomy to make his own decisions and hires, according to a senior White House aide familiar with the conversation. 

The episode stunned other White House officials gathered in chief of staff Reince Priebus’ office, leaving them silent as Tillerson raised his voice. In the room with Tillerson and DeStefano were Priebus, top Trump aide Jared Kushner and Margaret Peterlin, the secretary of state’s chief of staff. 

The encounter, described by four people familiar with what happened, was so explosive that Kushner approached Peterlin afterward and told her that Tillerson’s outburst was completely unprofessional, according to two of the people familiar with the exchange, and told her that they needed to work out a solution.

I would not be at all surprised if Tillerson were not the first administration official to get the hell out of Dodge, without being fired first.

Of course knowing Trump he would likely fabricate a story to make it appear that he did indeed fire him.

One can hardly blame Tillerson, after all he was the head of one of the largest corporations on the planet, and has now been reduced to a mere figure head while Trump's snot nosed son-in-law does his job instead.

I can only imagine what the morale must be like in the White House right now.

It must be like a scene from "Lord of the Flies."


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