The reason of course that this is not REALLY real, is because both this Facebook post, and the blog post it links to, are written not by Bristol Palin, but by Nancy French.
And of course French's post is liberally borrowed from other sources as well, however this seemed to be an original thought of her own:
Take a break from social media.
The more you compare your life to others, the worse it is. Here’s the truth that you already know: people only post the most heavily filtered version of their lives online. (You know it, because you do that too!) So, don’t compare your real life to the edited version of your friends… especially on Valentine’s Day when people are hell-bent on posting their MOST ROMANTIC DAY EVER.
Take a step away from your phone, know you are loved, that you aren’t alone, and that February 15th is coming.
Which kind of begs the question, is this written as a message to others from Bristol Palin, or as a message from her deeply concerned ghostwriter TO Bristol Palin?
One can only imagine the kind of hell Barstool must be going thought right now, with two custody fights weighing her down, and a newborn cockblocking her next romantic groin grinding in the bed of some guy's pickup truck.
I'm not saying that it is not a hell that she richly deserves, I'm just pointing out its existence.