So since yesterday's post we have learned a few more details.
First off is that we now have an actual copy of the official complaint.
When you read it, especially Track's testimony, it appears that Todd and Sarah had ample time to notify the police BEFORE Track arrived to kick Todd's ass, but failed to do so until things got really out of hand.
There were no children in the home so everybody can stop worrying about them.
However after the badly beaten Todd was able to get away from Track he apparently abandoned his wife and jumped in his car.
She was also able to get out on her own it seems and was in a second vehicle exiting the compound when the police arrived.
Track was still inside screaming at nobody and high as a freaking kite.
The complaint also says that after pointing his gun at Track that Todd "decided" that he was not going to shoot his son as he broke in through the window.
Personally I doubt that Todd ever intended to actually use the gun, but he did indeed point it at Track and threaten him with it.
That is some good parenting right there.
According to Court View Britta Hanson, his first baby mama, also petitioned for a protective order, which she quickly received.
Now I assumed that this was a preemptive move on her part, after hearing about this incident at the compund, but Zaki told me that he believes she could not have received one of these unless there was an actual physical threat made against her, which indicates that more may have happened that night than we know right now.
All in all it is beyond obvious that Track's addictions continue to control his life.
According to various sources I have talked to in the past Track has been abusing and selling drugs for more than a decade now, and in fact that may be how he is currently paying his bills.
Sarah had a real opportunity to help this young man, and instead she attempted to "save" him from himself and now this is the result.
It appears that Track remains in custody, and is still not represented by counsel which I think indicates that Ma and Pa Palin are finished covering for his loser ass and that he is now truly on his own.
First off is that we now have an actual copy of the official complaint.
When you read it, especially Track's testimony, it appears that Todd and Sarah had ample time to notify the police BEFORE Track arrived to kick Todd's ass, but failed to do so until things got really out of hand.
There were no children in the home so everybody can stop worrying about them.
However after the badly beaten Todd was able to get away from Track he apparently abandoned his wife and jumped in his car.
She was also able to get out on her own it seems and was in a second vehicle exiting the compound when the police arrived.
Track was still inside screaming at nobody and high as a freaking kite.
The complaint also says that after pointing his gun at Track that Todd "decided" that he was not going to shoot his son as he broke in through the window.
Personally I doubt that Todd ever intended to actually use the gun, but he did indeed point it at Track and threaten him with it.
That is some good parenting right there.
According to Court View Britta Hanson, his first baby mama, also petitioned for a protective order, which she quickly received.
Now I assumed that this was a preemptive move on her part, after hearing about this incident at the compund, but Zaki told me that he believes she could not have received one of these unless there was an actual physical threat made against her, which indicates that more may have happened that night than we know right now.
All in all it is beyond obvious that Track's addictions continue to control his life.
According to various sources I have talked to in the past Track has been abusing and selling drugs for more than a decade now, and in fact that may be how he is currently paying his bills.
Sarah had a real opportunity to help this young man, and instead she attempted to "save" him from himself and now this is the result.
It appears that Track remains in custody, and is still not represented by counsel which I think indicates that Ma and Pa Palin are finished covering for his loser ass and that he is now truly on his own.