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Sunday, 16 April 2017

Donald Trump demands the right to ride in the Queen of England's golden carriage despite the security risks.

Courtesy of Yahoo News:  

US President Donald Trump is keen to use the Queen's royal carriage to travel down The Mall to Buckingham Palace. 

According to officials, the White House views the carriage procession as an important part of Trump's itinerary for his visit scheduled for the second week in October.

UK security sources have warned that it poses a "monster" security operation, according to a Times report, leading to a lockdown of areas in central London. 

The Metropolitan Police are preparing for one of the largest public order operations in years, as hundreds of thousands of people are expected to come to Westminster to protest at Trump's state visit, which was postponed from earlier this year.

The article goes on to point out that the carriage is a flimsy affair which does not offer the same protection that the a president's reinforced car does against possible attack.

So why, considering the fact that Trump is reviled by many of the people in England, would he so keen on taking such a big security risk?

Ah, well I guess that more or less explains it right there.

Trump's ego demands that he receive the same treatment as his puppet master. 

Personally I don't think that the Queen of England responds well to the demands of bullies sand I hope she refuses Orange Hitler's demand.


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