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Thursday, 21 January 2016

Military vets, and others, push back against Sarah Palin's claim that her son's domestic abuse arrest was due to PTSD. Or that it was the President's fault.

Courtesy of NBC News: 

Don't blame President Obama for the PTSD that Sarah Palin claims her oldest son is battling. 

That was the message Wednesday from the head of a New York City-based veteran's organization that has fought for years to get Iraq and Afghanistan war vets help with their post traumatic stress disorder. 

"It's not President Obama's fault that Sarah Palin's son has PTSD," said Paul Rieckhoff, who heads Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America (IAVA). "PTSD is a very serious problem, a complicated mental health injury and I would be extremely reluctant to blame any one person in particular."

Now this veteran's group does not dismiss Palin's claim, but simply states that blaming the President is ill advised.

One pundit on CNN was outraged that Palin would attempt to blame Obama: 

CNN’s Donna Brazile got really worked up tonight about Sarah Palin linking her son’s domestic abuse arrest to President Obama‘s poor treatment of America’s veterans, calling her a liar. 

Brazile said it’s a “damn lie” that Obama has disrespected veterans, giving examples of how the president has pushed to take care of America’s wounded warriors.

Interestingly enough one vet had a more personal take on the matter.
Ouch that's going to leave a mark.

You might like to know that if you open that tweet fully it also has a copy of Track's discharge paperwork, which has now spread all over the internet.

Somebody suggested that this might be yet another "blood libel" moment for Sarah Palin.

However my response is "When is what she says NOT another blood libel moment for her?" 


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