Will I serve my term? That's for me to know and you to find out. |
The traditional goal of a presidential nominee is to win the presidency and then serve as president.
Donald J. Trump is not a traditional candidate for president.
Presented in a recent interview with a scenario, floating around the political ether, in which the presumptive Republican nominee proves all the naysayers wrong, beats Hillary Clinton and wins the presidency, only to forgo the office as the ultimate walk-off winner, Mr. Trump flashed a mischievous smile.
“I’ll let you know how I feel about it after it happens,” he said, minutes before leaving his Trump Tower office to fly to a campaign rally in New Hampshire.
It is, of course, entirely possible that Mr. Trump is playing coy to earn more news coverage. But the notion of the intensely competitive Mr. Trump’s being more interested in winning the presidency than serving as president is not exactly a foreign concept to close observers of this presidential race.
Okay now I have thought for a long time that Donald Trump, much like Sarah Palin before him, is WAY more interested in winning the office rather than in doing the job.
And remember SHE quit a little halfway through her first term, who's to say that Trump will even make it that far?
Well this will certainly give some more ammunition to the anti-Trump forces organizing right now to deny him the nomination.
Just when you think this election season cannot get any crazier, Donald Trump comes flying out of left field to prove you wrong.
Source http://ift.tt/29rh7nV