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Sunday, 24 January 2016

Heckuva job. Jeb Bush praises Michigan governor Rick Snyder, for apparently poisoning children?

"I'd like to strangle me some terrorists. Yup, I sure would."
Courtesy of HuffPo: 

Republican presidential candidate Jeb Bush on Sunday applauded Michigan Gov. Rick Snyder's response to the water contamination crisis in Flint -- even though the situation was caused by Snyder's own administration. 

 "I admire Rick Snyder for stepping up right now," Bush said on CNN's "State of the Union." "He's going to the challenge. He's fired people and accepted responsibility to fix this."

This comes amid calls for Snyder's resignation for hiring the city manger who created the water disaster in the first place, ignoring the initial reports that there was a problem, and responding only when the media attention left him no choice.

Here is what Jeb! finds so admirable:

"Instead of saying, 'The dog ate my homework, it's someone else's fault,' once it became clear, he's taking the lead now," Bush said. "That's exactly what I think leaders have to do."

Once again HE HAD NO CHOICE but to respond.

Just how many lead paint chips did the Bush boys eat while growing up?

Of course if this whole running for president thing doesn't work out Jeb! has a fall back career choice.

He'd like to strangle some terrorists on the Showtime series "Homeland."

Okay for one thing, there is no strangling in G rated films.

Secondly have you ever seen Jeb Bush's skinny ass arms?

I would be surprised if he could choke out a hamster much less strangle a full grown terrorist.


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