I went back and researched it, the first time that I shared the discharge papers above was back in November of 2010, over five long years ago.
The papers had been sent to me my a loyal reader who had simply filed a records request.
However though we discussed it here in quite some detail, and even though I posted it several more times, it did not receive much response on the interwebs.
However THAT has suddenly changed.
As of today this document has spread far and wide, and Sarah Palin's claims about her son's service are under a great deal of scrutiny.
Here are just a few places that have posted the discharge papers:
Addicting Info.
Winning Democrats.
Bipartisan Report.
And one time Fox News host Alan Colmes.
In fact many of these folks are offering a lightly modified version of the documents, which point out exactly what is missing:
You know I often receive demands that I "release everything that I know" to "bring Palin down for good."
As I have exhaustively explained numerous times that is not how any of this works.
For one thing I have shared most of what I know here on IM, and as you have seen that only has an impact once Palin herself does something which brings attention to it.
As for what remains, that will ONLY be effective coming out of the mouths of the people who were the witnesses to the events, or cover ups.
And as I have explained they simply to not want to upend their lives unless there is a compelling reason to do so.
Currently I am still waiting for the fact that Cathy Baldwin Johnson was working at Providence Hospital in Anchorage the night that she supposedly helped Sarah Palin give birth at Mat-Su Regional to finally get the attention it deserves as well.
But like I said that will probably only happen once Palin herself does something that gets people talking and investigating her lies once again.
Well personally though I am pretty satisfied with the truth about Track getting out there, I certainly hope I don't have to wait another five years for every other scandal we know of to finally see the light of day.
Source http://ift.tt/1nKC9Vm
The papers had been sent to me my a loyal reader who had simply filed a records request.
However though we discussed it here in quite some detail, and even though I posted it several more times, it did not receive much response on the interwebs.
However THAT has suddenly changed.
As of today this document has spread far and wide, and Sarah Palin's claims about her son's service are under a great deal of scrutiny.
Here are just a few places that have posted the discharge papers:
Addicting Info.
Winning Democrats.
Bipartisan Report.
And one time Fox News host Alan Colmes.
In fact many of these folks are offering a lightly modified version of the documents, which point out exactly what is missing:
You know I often receive demands that I "release everything that I know" to "bring Palin down for good."
As I have exhaustively explained numerous times that is not how any of this works.
For one thing I have shared most of what I know here on IM, and as you have seen that only has an impact once Palin herself does something which brings attention to it.
As for what remains, that will ONLY be effective coming out of the mouths of the people who were the witnesses to the events, or cover ups.
And as I have explained they simply to not want to upend their lives unless there is a compelling reason to do so.
Currently I am still waiting for the fact that Cathy Baldwin Johnson was working at Providence Hospital in Anchorage the night that she supposedly helped Sarah Palin give birth at Mat-Su Regional to finally get the attention it deserves as well.
But like I said that will probably only happen once Palin herself does something that gets people talking and investigating her lies once again.
Well personally though I am pretty satisfied with the truth about Track getting out there, I certainly hope I don't have to wait another five years for every other scandal we know of to finally see the light of day.
Source http://ift.tt/1nKC9Vm