Here is the assertion as written on Patribotics by Louise Mensch:NEW: Have the Brits already nailed Trump? On tape? Offering to trade policy changes to Putin for election fixing?— Keith Olbermann (@KeithOlbermann) April 18, 2017
Sources with links to the intelligence community say it is believed that Carter Page went to Moscow in early July carrying with him a pre-recorded tape of Donald Trump offering to change American policy if he were to be elected, to make it more favorable to Putin. In exchange, Page was authorized directly by Trump to request the help of the Russian government in hacking the election.
The post goes into far more detail and refers to previous posts to provide context, but that first paragraph right there is quite jaw dropping.
Now to be honest though I have been following Mensch on Twitter for quite awhile now I have hesitated to directly quote her or link to her posts because, well to be honest, because I was not certain of her trustworthiness as a reporter of facts.
In my defense many of the claims that Mensch makes are explosive, and would completely change the narrative about Trump's interaction with Russia.
However they are also often supported by anonymous sources, and though Mensch WAS the first person to report on the FISA court order, I remain somewhat skeptical that she has sources telling her things that the sources for the New York Times and Washington Post are keeping to themselves.
So I will present this here as a public service and invite your to hear what Olbermann says, and read Mensch's post, and then reach your own conclusions as to their validity.