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Sunday, 29 April 2018

So while Michelle Wolf was pissing off conservatives yesterday, in Michigan Donald Trump was driving them into a frenzy.

So yes that is Trump taking FULL credit for the North and South Korea peace deal, while his people chant "Nobel" at him.

I think it's pretty clear why he would rather be there, than to sit and listen to Michelle Wolf rip him  a new one.

After all it is the coward's way.

I of course did not watch hardly ANY of this rally (I was still bummed about the furnace.), but I did do some catching up online.

For instance Trump also said that if the Republicans failed to hold on to the House that he was probably going to be impeached.
Which proves that once in a while, Donald Trump CAN tell the truth.

But just when you might have been willing to give him a little credit for that, he turns around and suggests that the Russian lawyer only said she was working with the Kremlin to  "make life in the United States more chaotic."
That of course is completely illogical, but his crowd ate it right up.

In fact Trump got them so worked up that at least one of them verbally attacked the press.
Gee, forced to miss the WHCD and now covered in Trump supporter spittle, it really sucks to have to report on a Trump rally.


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