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Saturday, 14 April 2018

Just in case you were wondering who was responsible for the attack on Syria yesterday, well the answer of course is Fox News.

Courtesy of Think Progress:  

On Friday morning, Fox & Friends host Ainsley Earhardt suggested that military strikes in Syria could be useful to divert attention from the unflattering portrayal of President Trump contained in former FBI Director James Comey’s book. 

“If the president, and France, and the U.K decide to strike Syria, don’t you think that story would be a bigger story than Comey’s book that’s released on Tuesday?” she said.

Earhardt’s suggestion came while Trump is reportedly still considering a potential military strike against Syria — and amid an edition of Fox & Friends that was largely devoted to sullying Comey’s reputation.

That's right folks, we now live in a country where the foreign policy is determined by an airhead sitting on a couch spouting nonsense to a cable news audience.

A cable news audience which includes the president of the United States.

By the way if you are looking for a little bright spot of joy to be taken from this attack on Syria, you can find it by watching Alex Jones lose his mind over his hero's decision to launch this military strike.
And it gets even better.
I think perhaps this is the base that Trump was trying to hold onto.

There are actually a LOT of these videos of Jones frothing at the mouth and screaming expletives at his cameraman, but they are too over the top to show even here on IM.

By the way, I for one am not distracted from the Mueller investigation, or the FBI investigation of Michael Cohen. Just in case anybody was wondering.


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