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Saturday, 21 April 2018

Just in case you were wondering if Donald Trump was worried about the investigation targeting his private lawyer, the answer is "Oh hell yeah."

A nu8mber of articles have been written about Trump's relationship with Maggie Haberman, and the fact that he has her on speed dial.

But just in case you were not convinced.
Yeah, in fact Trump himself has been identified as the number one White House leaker.

But wait, there's more.
It should be noted that the government does not offer deals, unless the target of the investigation has information about a bigger criminal.

By stating that Michael Cohen will not "flip" Trump is essentially admitting that he has information and evidence about him that he could use to make a deal.

So here we have three tweets that not only contain obvious, and easily verifiable, lies, but also an admission of guilt.

And it is still just the morning. 


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