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Wednesday, 14 March 2018

Trump Administration bringing back abstinence only education in public schools. Man the hits just keep on coming.

Courtesy of The Hill:

Abstinence-only education — encouraging adolescents to wait until marriage for sex — is making a comeback under President Trump. 

In a marked departure from the previous administration, conservatives at the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) are putting an emphasis on abstinence to reduce teen pregnancy rates. 

“We definitely are seeing a shift,” said Kelly Marcum, a government affairs legislative assistant at the Family Research Council in Washington, which supports abstinence-only education. 

“We’re really excited to see that the administration is giving some tools back to us to keep pushing that fight.” 

So far, the administration has encouraged organizations applying for Title X federal family planning funds to include in their programs a “meaningful emphasis” on “the benefits of avoiding sex” when communicating with adolescents and to use programs that don’t “normalize sexual risk behaviors.” 

The Trump administration also plans to release its first report early this summer as part of a $10 million research project looking at ways to improve sex education programs, with a focus on the impact of “sexual delay.”

Yeah because that whole "wait until marriage" thing worked out so well in the past.

Telling kids that they cannot do something only makes that something even more desirable.

Anybody who has ever had, or ever been, a teenager knows that.

And if this approach is at all similar to past approaches it will focus mostly on shaming the girls, and give the guys a pass because they are not considered the gatekeepers of abstinence.

But hey if they are looking for an effective deterrent to sexual activity just show that image of Trump at the top of the page to the students.

One look at that and NOBODY is horny anymore.


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