Courtesy of March for Our Lives:
March For Our Lives Anchorage students advocate for a number of solutions, which include:
All of these measures comply with the modern understanding of the 2nd Amendment, and in no way infringe on the right of Americans to bear arms. Furthermore, each one individually, and certainly all of them together, show real promise in reducing the risk posed by mass shooters.
Here in Anchorage this march will take place on the Delaney Park Strip starting at 12:00 PM.
I am hoping to get there, but unfortunately I am actually working today so I am trying to move some things around.
But if I can swing it I will see you there.
March For Our Lives Anchorage students advocate for a number of solutions, which include:
- Reclassification of the AR-15 and other military pattern semi-automatic rifles as Class III, Title II under the NFA. Semi-automatic rifles are only fractionally different than fully-automatic rifles, and are just as lethal. Military grade weaponry deserves to be regulated as such.
- Reclassification of magazines over 10 rounds of ammunition as Class III, Title II under the NFA. According to a 2013 study on active shooters done by the FBI, active shooting incidents take place over a matter of minutes. Being limited to 10 rounds per magazine, as opposed to 20, 30, or 40 can save potentially dozens of lives within a mass-shooting timeframe.
- Repeal of the Dickey Amendment, a 1996 measure which effectively bans the CDC from researching preventative measures for gun violence.
- Purchase age increase to 21 years.
- Mandate for gun show and private sale background checks.
- Mandatory gun safety training accompanying first legal purchase.
All of these measures comply with the modern understanding of the 2nd Amendment, and in no way infringe on the right of Americans to bear arms. Furthermore, each one individually, and certainly all of them together, show real promise in reducing the risk posed by mass shooters.
Here in Anchorage this march will take place on the Delaney Park Strip starting at 12:00 PM.
I am hoping to get there, but unfortunately I am actually working today so I am trying to move some things around.
But if I can swing it I will see you there.