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Wednesday, 7 March 2018

New Ted Cruz campaign ad mocks his opponent for changing his name. Only one problem.

Courtesy of CNN: 

Texas Sen. Ted Cruz's first shot at his expected Democratic challenger, Rep. Beto O'Rourke? Mocking his name. 

As Tuesday's primaries were closing, Cruz's campaign released a 60-second radio ad that was a country music jingle prodding O'Rourke for going by "Beto" rather than "Robert." 

"Liberal Robert wanted to fit in, so he changed his name to Beto and hid it with a grin," the song says.

O'Rourke said he's gone by "Beto" since he was born. 

"My parents have called me Beto from day one, and it's just -- it's kind of a nickname for Robert in El Paso. It just stuck," he said in a brief phone interview Tuesday night.

And here's proof. 
By the way, Ted Cruz's real name is Rafael Cruz.

He adopted the name "Ted" to "fit in."

But hey, catchy tune. That should really help in the general election.


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