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Saturday, 3 March 2018

It seems Sarah Palin came slithering out of her hidey hole to attend Billy Graham's funeral.

Courtesy of NPR: 

Some 2,300 guests sat under a symbolic large white canvas tent in Charlotte, N.C., for the Rev. Billy Graham's funeral service on Friday. 

The setting evoked the "canvas cathedral" — two circus tents pitched together in Los Angeles in 1949 — to shelter the thousands of people who came to watch Graham preach, according to the Billy Graham Library. "The Los Angeles Crusade," eight weeks of services, would help raise Graham to national prominence.

President Trump and Melania Trump sat in the front row of Graham's funeral service Friday. Vice President Pence and his wife, Karen, and former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin and her husband, Todd, were also there.

This just gives more credibility to the idea that Palin wants her next job to be as a fire and brimstone evangelical preacher.

Of course Palin's connection was only tenuous, her real connection is with Franklin Graham, the man now being credited with undermining his father's legacy.

A legacy it should be mentioned that also contained heaping amounts of antisemitism. 

By the way Palin also got an dishonorable mention on Real Time last night.

Courtesy of Raw Story: 

When talking about former communications director Hope Hicks, Maher recalled the way she helped the campaign by steaming Trump’s pants while he was wearing them. She was the keeper of the steamer. 

“Hope Hicks feels like she can be more effective steaming the pants of those in the private sector,” he joked. 

When it came to Jared Kushner, he couldn’t believe someone would be so stupid as to hold a meeting in the White House for his own personal business affairs. 

“I want to see his birth certificate,” Maher said. “I think it’s going to say: Birthplace: Alaska. Birth name: Jared Palin.”

Palin may want to be an evangelical preacher, but her real job will always be to serve as punchline for late night comedians. 


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