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Sunday, 25 March 2018

Donald Trump takes to Twitter to brag that all the best lawyers want to represent him in the Russia case. Wanna bet?

Yes, as we all know lawyers like nothing more than the fame and fortune they receive after losing a high profile case while representing a guilty client.
Clearly this constant refrain of "No Collusion!" can only be defined as the rantings of a madman at this point.

As are his attempts to smear Hillary and the Democrats by claiming they were the ones who colluded with the Russians to undermine our democracy.

As for Trump's claims that "many lawyers and top law firms" want to represent him, that was proven false when he was turned down by famed lawyer Ted Olson, and a number of others recently.

It is also rendered false by the fact that he just lost lead attorney John Dowd, and the only replacement he could find was Fox News conspiracy theorist Joseph diGenova. (And now he won't even be on the team, because he has too many "conflicts.")

By the way if you want to really understand just how long Trump has been a Russian asset I suggest you pick up the new book "Russian Roulette"  by David Corn and Michael Isikoff.

After you read that you will understand just how compromised this president is, and just who is actually running our country.


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