Okay now those images look exactly like the classrooms that I sat in while I attended elementary school way back in the 1960's.Does this look familiar? Students lined up in rows. A teacher in front of a blackboard. Sit down; don’t talk; eyes up front. Wait for the bell. Walk to the next class. Everything about our lives has moved beyond the industrial era. But American education largely hasn’t. #SXSWEDU pic.twitter.com/kyy2r7bTud— Betsy DeVos (@BetsyDeVosED) March 6, 2018
However I also fairly recently worked in public schools and I know something that apparently Betsy DeVos, the actual Secretary of Education, does not.
Here let some real teachers do a little educating.
Don’t you know that stock photos aren’t real? How many classrooms have you visited in the past year? Classrooms don’t look like that anymore. Students don’t work like that anymore. I would think that as Sec of Edu you would be celebrating us, not putting us down. #Bye pic.twitter.com/GPDr1aS7vp— Teresa Hurtado (@MissHurtad0KISD) March 6, 2018
Ok, first of all, give Stock Photo teacher some credit, she has the whole class eager to share. (Her biggest problem, tbh, is the lack of decorations. Put a poster up on your stock photo walls!) Secondly, this is a real, public school classroom right here: pic.twitter.com/sU8hYnn7SY— PostMalonialism (@Mr_Orlopp) March 7, 2018
Damn teachers do not play when you insult the progress they have made in their teaching methods and classroom atmospheres.No. It doesn't look familiar. THIS is what public school looks like. pic.twitter.com/OYYrXvIRq2— LPG (@puckettgarcia) March 7, 2018
But this last tweet really put the nail in Miss Betsy's coffin.
Now THAT is the kind of burn which leaves a lasting mark right there.Meanwhile at the DeVos funded West Michigan Aviation School... pic.twitter.com/8Dutpd43iZ— Kristen Famiano (@kfam) March 6, 2018
So it appears that Trump's Education Secretary not only got school by the Parkland students, but our amazing public school teachers as well.
Good choice there Donnie!
Source http://ift.tt/2txnXGT