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Thursday, 22 February 2018

In response to all the talk about gun control, Donald Trump goes off on a bizarre Twitter rant that ends up embracing the NRA.

So this was Trump's tweet from last night after he met with numerous survivors of school shootings.

It sounds like he wants to do something, right?

But then Trump must have watched the coverage of his "listening session" and that CNN town hall last night. And the old Trump once again reared it's ugly orange tinted head.

Okay well this is interesting because Trump is essentially lying and then calling himself out on that lie IN THE SAME TWEET.

But wait, there's more.

This is an NRA fantasy with essentially no foothold in reality.

And teachers are almost universally against it.

Courtesy of Politico 

But education groups are virtually unanimously opposed to the idea, which they say is asking teachers and principals to do too much. 

“This is bar none, the worst theory of action I’ve ever heard,” Shanna Peeples, a former National Teacher of the Year award winner, wrote on Twitter.

I can tell you from first hand experience that people do not always react in a predictable fashion to a crisis situation, and that sometimes even training does not prevent bad decision making.

We have all seen video of trained police officers panicking when confronted with a gunman, and firing erratically or firing unnecessarily.

Just imagine that every school in the country had poorly trained armed teachers milling around in the hallways dealing with sometimes out of control students, and stressful situations.

School shootings would become an almost daily occurrence.

However Trump DID offer to support a couple of potentially helpful policies.
That response is of course woefully lacking in its effectiveness to deal the crisis at hand, and before you allow yourselves to feel a little hopeful that Trump could be persuaded to do more, he followed that tweet up with this one.
And that is how the dream dies.

Keep in mind that during the 2016 election cycle the NRA spent 20 million dollars attacking Hillary Clinton, and donated 11 million to the Trump campaign. (Source.)

Trump is not going to bite the hand that feds him, especially since in a round about way that hand was quite likely Russian.


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